
The Memorial for Ilona Zrínyi and Imre Thököly

in the Village of Kartepe

Imre Thököly and Ilona Zrínyi stayed in Izmit from the fall of 1701 on. The next year they bought lands and established a Hungarian village in the village of Karatepe on a hill of the Kartepe Mountains with a wonderful view on the Bay of Izmit. They called it Meadow of Flowers, which remains in the memory of Turks as Çiçekli çayır. The original place of the main buildings are not easily accessible, thus the Hungarian-Turkish Friendship Association of Izmit placed a memorial in 2008 in the centre of the village of Karatepe at a spring well-known from ancient times. The reliefs of Imre Thököly and Ilona Zrínyi, works of Nezat Atalay, Izmit-based sculptor, are engraved on a large stone of the hill. Both of them died in the village: Ilona Zrínyi on 18th February 1703, Imre Thököly on 23rd September 1705. The population of the village was called back to Hungary after the death of Thököly, and the memory of the Hungarian colony vanished. The location was identified by András Gamauf in 2003. Imre Makovecz, well-known architect created plans for a Thököly-Zrínyi Memorial Chapel by the request of Tibor F. Tóth, but this has not yet been built. The Imre Thököly Association inaugurated a commemorative column for the kuruc (rebel Hungarians) in 2013 in nearby Gölcük.
